Every Body Move During The COVID-19 Pandemic

 During these unprecedented times of Social Distancing and Quarantine, we at Every Body Move have made it a priority to continue to connect with the community we serve. From virtual instruction, to in-person outdoor workshops, we are excited to offer a creative outlet for elementary school children and teens that is hands-on, relevant, fun, empowering, but most importantly, safe.


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The Every Body Move team has worked tirelessly to bring the #socialdanceforsocialchange experience online. Our experienced Teaching Artists lead engaging, personal, exciting workshops rooted in social dance and celebrating joy.


In Person, Socially Distant Workshops

Photo Credit: Tiffany L. Clark

Every Body Move is excited to be able to offer in-person workshops according to state and local safety guidelines. These workshops are an outdoor, masked, and socially distanced opportunity to safely engage with the community and move!