EVERY BODY MOVE (EBM) works to inspire and incite ambitious collective action fueled by the art of social dance.
Built on our belief that social dance works as a powerful tool for social change, EBM brings the artistic rigor of Camille A. Brown & Dancers’ beyond the stage and into communities. EBM works to cultivate the creative capacity of its participants through innovative workshops, summer intensives, artistic encounters, educational experiences, public actions, and celebrations for people of diverse abilities, identities, and ages.
Every Body Move Workshops
Black Girl Spectrum (BGS)
A 10-session experience in movement, self-empowerment, and creative action for Black girls & women.
Black Men Moving (BMM)
An interactive experience exploring healthy masculinity, movement, and creative action for Black boys and men.
The Gathering
The Gathering is an annual open forum for inter-generational Black female choreographers and artists.
Every Body Move During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During these unprecedented times of Social Distancing and Quarantine, we at Every Body Move have made it a priority to continue to connect with the community we serve. From virtual instruction, to in-person outdoor workshops, we are excited to offer a creative outlet for elementary school children and teens that is hands-on, relevant, fun, empowering, but most importantly, safe.
New Bridges Elementary School
EBM Principal Teaching Artist, Pia Monique Murray facilitates a “Create Your Own Line Dace” activity for the New Bridges Elementary School Students on Zoom!
“Camille A. Brown & Dancers makes them [students] excited to try.”
— Aurora Barnes, Founder of Girlstalk/Guystalk Program
“Not only a well thought out project implemented by Camille A. Brown & Dancers; it is an overall experience… powerful social impact”
— Michelle Durante, Director of Arts at Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation
“Hands on, personal and relevant… The satisfaction and pride our students exhibited after the workshops was the real indicator of how connected they were to Camille and the work”
— James O’Brien, Principal at Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School
“We explored in a joyful way and were given space to express and encourage our own experiential understanding of EBM philosophy...this leads us to reflect on our own teaching and philosophies as well and impacts our organization as a whole as well as individually as we embrace opportunities to grow along with our students. Simply, we had a really fun time dancing together and it served as a bridge to opening up to learning more about non-euro-centric dancing and teaching. Centering black voices, embodying dancehall, and inquiry-led conversations.”
— Calia Marshall, NDI Teaching Artist & Equity Advocate.